Frequently Asked Questions

Before I Apply

It's a good idea to ask yourself these questions before you join:

  • Are you ready to move?
  • If you bid and are successful, we expect you to move in as soon as the property is ready to let.

  • Can you afford to move?
  • Bear in mind, apart from some homes advertised, all homes are let unfurnished, without carpets, curtains or appliances.

  • Can you afford the rent?
  • You will need to pay up to 2 weeks rent in advance when you sign for a tenancy - so make sure you have this money saved up.


If you do not have an email address, see if your friends, family or a support worker can assist you. If you are unable to do this please contact us on 0300 777 0000

By completing the on-line application for housing with Tai Tarian.

You will be notified immediately of your application number. Once your application has been verified by our team you will be notified by email of your application status.

You will be notified once your application has been verified by our team.

Once your application is ‘live’ you will be able to start bidding. There may be occasions where we need additional information from you, and we will notify you of this.

If you do not have family, friends or a support worker who can help you, please contact us on 0300 777 0000.

Yes, you will be able to save your application throughout, however if you do not complete within 28 days your application will be cancelled and you would have to start the process again.

We have access to language line so if you need assistance please contact us on 0300 777 0000.

You will be able to reset your password by selecting Reset password on the log in page. You will be required to enter your email address. You will then receive an email with a link to reset your password.

Shared Lettings Policy

The Shared Lettings Policy Scheme between Tai Tarian and Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council tells you who can join our Housing Register and how priority for accommodation is decided between different types of applicants. You can view our policy here: Shared Lettings Policy

Address History

Tai Tarian asks you to provide your address history for the previous 3 years. If at any point in the last 3 years you have had no fixed address, please say “no fixed address” in the address history page of the About You section along with the dates when these living circumstances applied to you. However, we will need your last settled address and will make necessary checks. If you have lived abroad within the last 3 years you will manually have to enter your address.

Local Connection

Anyone living outside Neath Port Talbot can apply to join the Housing Register subject to their eligibility for the Scheme. However, to meet local housing need, certain priority in terms of Banding will be given to persons who have a local connection to Neath Port Talbot. Should an Applicant have no local connection to Neath Port Talbot as detailed in the Shared Lettings Policy, they will be placed in the Bronze Band. If an Applicant has a health or welfare need which does not require a move solely to the Neath Port Talbot area they will remain in the Bronze Band and advised to contact their own Local Authority for assistance. For the purposes of the Shared Lettings Policy a “Local Connection” is defined as follows: Shared Lettings Policy

  • An applicant or a member of their household currently lives in the Neath Port Talbot County Borough.
  • An applicant or member of their household is employed within the County Borough. This refers to where they work and not where the employer’s Head Office is located. Employment will only qualify under this section if it is permanent or long-term work and for a minimum of 15 hours every week.
  • An Applicant or member of their household has a close relative (mother, father, brother, sister or adult child) who live in the County Borough and have done so for the past 5 years on a continuous basis.
  • The Applicant has just been or is about to be discharged from the British Armed Forces and has previously lived in the County Borough immediately before joining the Armed Forces.
  • The Applicant has special circumstances, such as medical or support services that are only available in the Neath Port Talbot area. Cases of this nature are considered to have a local connection on exceptional grounds.
  • The Applicant is owed a full homeless duty under Section193 of the Housing Act 1996/section 75 of the Housing Act (Wales) Act 2014 by the Council. 5.11.3.

Bands and Categories

The bands are Urgent, Gold, Silver and Bronze.  Applicants in the Urgent Band are assessed as having the most urgent housing need and those in the Bronze Band have the least urgent housing need. The full banding list can be found in our Shared lettings policy: Shared Lettings Policy

Yes, depending on your circumstances and evidence you provide to support this. This will need to be verified and reviewed by our team.

This means the type of property you are considered eligible for. This could include size of the property based on your household, and whether you need any adaptations.

Bedroom Category

Depending on your household size, please see the bedroom standard within shared lettings policy: Shared Lettings Policy

Dependent on your household circumstances, this will be determined based on the information you provide through your application.

Please see bedroom standard within Shared Lettings Policy. If you have supporting evidence showing the requirement for children to have separate bedrooms, please provide this. However, an affordability assessment will need to be considered.

Bedroom Tax

Bedroom Tax (also known as under occupancy charge or spare room subsidy) means that you will receive less in Housing Benefit or Housing Costs Element in a Universal Credit claim if you live in a Housing Association or Council property and you are deemed to have one or more spare bedrooms. More information available here: What is bedroom tax?

MATB1 Form

Your midwife should automatically give you a MAT B1 from the antenatal appointment that takes place after your 20-week scan. You may need to request it from your midwife or Doctor.

Joint Tenancy

If you wish to share the tenancy equally and sign it jointly, please add your spouse or partner by selecting "add joint applicant" in the people section.

Change of Circumstances

You are responsible for keeping your housing circumstances up to date. If any details change it is very important that you notify Tai Tarian on 0300 777 0000. A member of the team will be able to update your application form on your behalf. Your application will then be verified and reviewed in light of these changes. Following this you will be notified of any changes to the status of your application.


There are some people who are not eligible to be included on the housing register. These are:

  • A person subject to Immigration Control under the 1996 Asylum and Immigration Act.
  • A person not subject to immigration control but who are not habitually resident in the UK, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or the Republic of Ireland.
  • Applicants (including members of their household) who have been guilty of unacceptable behaviour that makes them unsuitable to be a tenant. For more detailed information see our Shared Lettings Policy. If you are deemed ineligible for the Scheme, you will be informed in writing for the reason your application is considered ineligible. You do have the right to request a review of various decisions (see review answers advising on how you can request a review).

Criminal Behaviour

You may not be eligible to go on the housing register if we decide that you, or any member of your household, have been guilty of unacceptable behaviour in the past. We may decide that you have been guilty of unacceptable behaviour serious enough to make you unsuitable to be a tenant, and decide you are not eligible to go on the housing register. Please refer to the Shared Lettings Policy Appendix 2 Pages 43–48: Shared Lettings Policy

False or Withheld Information

If you provide false or misleading information your application may be excluded from the Housing Register – see page 16 of the Shared Lettings Policy: Shared Lettings Policy

Social Factors

You may need to move based on social factors, such as:

  • Giving/recieving support
  • Harassment
  • Neighbour Disputes
  • Educational and health factors

Applicants will only be offered additional priority if their social wellbeing or that of a member of their household is significantly affected by remaining in the accommodation that they occupy, and there is a need to move elsewhere.

We need as much evidence as possible to support your application regarding any medical conditions, harassment, isolation, anti-social behaviour, neighbour disputes or any other factors that affect present housing needs. This evidence can be letters of support from your GP, Social Worker, Consultant, Occupational Therapist, CPN, Mental Health Team, Police etc, and must be uploaded to your application.

Domestic Abuse

If you are experiencing domestic abuse or harassment of any form you may wish to contact agencies for confidential advice and support. If you are being threatened or harassed, you should contact your local police who take domestic abuse very seriously and have dedicated teams offering support and advice.

In an emergency and immediate danger ring the Police on 999. If you have left your home due to violence or abuse, you are strongly advised to contact Housing Options team on 01639 685219.

Welsh women's Aid offers support and advice (24 hours). They can be contacted on 0808 80 10 800. To find a local domestic abuse service please click on the following link: Domestic Abuse Directory


Harassment can take many forms, it could include shouting, verbal abuse, threats or violence. In an emergency and if you are in immediate danger you should contact the Police on 999. For less urgent matters you should report incidents to the Police on 101.

If you think you are being harassed or threatened because of your disability, race, religion, or sexuality you can report this to the Police as a hate crime or hate incident.

There are also other organisatons such as Shelter Cymru and Citizens Advice Bureau who may be able to advise and assist you if you are a victim of harassment.

They may also be able to advise you if you are experiencing problems with your neighbours.


If you are unwell but your housing makes no difference to your illness, then you will not be awarded any medical priority. Your health and wellbeing priority is only awarded if it is assessed that your physical or mental health or your wellbeing is being made worse by your current accommodation or lack of accommodation and there is a need to move elsewhere.

We need as much evidence as possible to support your application regarding any medical conditions, . This evidence can be letters of support from your GP, Social Worker, Consultant, Occupational Therapist, CPN, Mental Health Team and must be uploaded to your application.

The supporting evidence will need to confirm your medical conditions, how your medical conditions are affected by your current home and how a move to a different home would improve your conditions or make them easier to manage.

If you are being discharged from hospital to no fixed abode or the property you are returning to is no longer suitable for your needs, please contact Housing Options on 01639 685219. We will also send your details over to Housing Options for them to contact you.


Your application may be held or remain in the bronze band until the necessary documentation is recieved.

All supporting evidence needs to be uploaded to the application – you could provide this directly to the applicant who can upload to their application.

You are required to upload evidence as part of the application process.The best format to upload documents in is a pdf. And some of our forms will only allow you to add documents in pdf or word format. However if you are unable to do this, photos could be uploaded also.

You do not need access to a scanner to get electronic copies of your documents. All you need is a smartphone or tablet with a camera and can upload documents like a photograph.


Yes, once a year, usually on the anniversary of your application, you will be sent a renewal reminder. You must renew your application within 28 days of this reminder message. If you do not renew your application within 28 days, your application will be cancelled and you will need to re-apply.

You have the right to request a review of a decision made by Tai Tarian. Please refer to the Shared lettings Policy for decisions that can be reviewed.Your request for a review can be made either by you or by someone else, if you write and tell us you are happy for someone else to act on your behalf. You will need to state your reasons for a review advising us why you think we have made the wrong decision and provide any relevant evidence to support your view.

Your request for a review must be made in writing to Tai Tarian.

Your request for a review must be completed and submitted no later than 21 days from the date of decision. Please refer to Appendix 9 Decision Reviews in the Shared Lettings Policy for more information: Shared Lettings Policy


If you have completed an application and are live on the waiting list, if you like a home we are advertising, you may want to begin 'bidding'. There is no exchange of money involved in the bidding process; it is simply a way to express your interest in a property. Find out more on How to bid on properties page. You are expected to bid on a regular basis. If you are not actively looking for a home and have not made a bid for a home in six months, your application may be deferred.

You will need to access the Homes By Choice website:

  • You can then select up to 5 properties in your category that you are interested in and add them to your basket. You will then need to ensure they are in order of preference, and once this is completed you will need to add your personal details as well as Application Number in order to submit the bid. You will then receive an email, which confirms your bid has been placed.

Things to consider:

  • Are you ready to move?
  • If a home is ready to let we expect you to move in immediately.

  • Can you afford to move?
  • If you have existing furniture, have you considered removal van costs/friends and family helping you move.

  • Are you able to furnish your new property?
  • Majority of our homes are let unfurnished, without carpets, curtains or appliances, we may be able to help.

  • Rent in advance?
  • If you are offered a tenancy you will have to pay enough rent to cover the period from the day you sign your tenancy up until the end of the first full week or month, depending on your payment pattern, before you are given the keys.

  • Is the home in the right area with the facilities you need?
  • Please consider travel to family, school and work before you bid.

  • Is the home suitable for your needs?
  • Please do as much research as you can before placing your bid.

You can only bid for property types you are eligible for. For example, a person living on their own can't bid for a family house, or a family with three children can't bid for a one bedroom flat. Some homes are also reserved for people of a particular age group or people who need an adapted property. If no adverts are displayed within your category, please try again next week.

Bidding is open from Friday 8:30am, and closes on the following Monday at 12:00pm.

No - being the first to bid makes no difference at all to your final position. Your shortlist position is determined by your priority, your housing needs, your waiting time and any preferences associated with that property.

We cannot give you a time you will have to wait until your bid has been successful. Your position on the list will change as people are housed and new people apply, so this makes it difficult to let you know when you will be housed. Keeping your application up to date with any changes to your circumstances and responding to any contact we make ensures your application is always up to date.

Please follow the link, which will show properties advertised Friday to Monday: Homes by Choice

The adverts will tell you the location, size, rent and other features of the property. Where available a photograph of the property or a similar house type will be provided, and you will be able to access information about the local area and facilities. The advert will also tell you if there are any special requirements that the applicant must meet, such as age restrictions/pets allowed.  For some properties the advert will state which Category will have preference. If no bids are received from that Category, the property may be offered to somebody from another category.

You can bid on up to 5 properties a week and will need to put these in order of preference.

Yes, this is made available the following week, which will be available on our Homes by Choice link: Homes by Choice

Tai Tarian housing register is not a first come first serve system. Applicants are shortlisted based on the band and how long they have been waiting in that band. If somebody in a higher band, or in the same band who has been waiting longer in that band, bids on the same property, they will go above you. You will not know your final position until after the bidding cycle has closed. For example if you bid first thing Friday morning, it is likely that your position will change throughout the weekend, as more people bid on the same property.

If someone in the Urgent Band bids for a property, their bid will be placed above people in the Gold, Silver and Bronze Bands (and anyone in the Urgent Band who been waiting for less time).

In areas where there is low demand for some properties, you may be able to bid on a property that is outside of your category. In this case Tai Tarian will carry out a detailed affordability assessment prior to letting the property and if affordability due to under-occupation is an issue the offer may be withdrawn.

In line with the shared lettings policy – there are occasions where Tai Tarian may deem a bid unsuitable. If that happens then the bid for that property will not be accepted. In these circumstances you have the right to request a review of the reasons for Tai Tarian’s refusal of a bid.

You will need to keep looking at the available properties every week, however Tai Tarian will not be able to provide housing for everyone. You may wish to consider other Registered Social Landlords or the Private Rented Sector also.

You can only bid on properties for which you meet the qualifying criteria – the size of property for which you qualify for will be on your joining email/letter. For example, if you try to apply for a bigger property than you are entitled to, the system will not let you do this.

Remember you can bid for a home anywhere within the Neath port Talbot Borough and if you are flexible about which area you would like to live in, it can improve your chances. Things you can do include:

  • Bid in areas where we have lots of homes.
  • Bid in areas where lots of homes become available to let.
  • Make sure your application is up to date and current.

Throughout the application process you will need to ensure all documentation is uploaded and up to date, however we may need to check that if you are successful, documents such as bank statements and ID are correct.

Unfortunately, no – as there are hundreds of bids every week – we are only able to tell successful bidders about their bids. However, you can view your final bidding position on the webpage by logging in and entering your housing registration number and date of birth.


Some properties allow pets and some don’t as they are not suitable. Please check on bidding that each property is suitable if you have a pet. Permission will need to be granted to keep a pet – The pets' policy can be provided by the lettings officer once you have been matched to a property.

Offers of Accommodation

Yes. You will be given an opportunity to view the property and decide whether you would like to accept it.

Our aim is to make a provisional offer of accommodation to the applicant at the top of the shortlist. The rules for shortlisting are:

  • Those in the highest band will be looked at first.
  • If there is more than one applicant in the highest band then the applicant who has been waiting the longest in that band will be top of the list.
  • Property classification is always taken into consideration when looking at the offer.

No, once you have been matched to a property with Tai Tarian, you will not be able to bid for any other properties on Homes By Choice.

Rent in Advance

Yes, you will need a minimum of one weeks rent in advance which will be paid on the day you sign for your property. This amount may vary depending on the date you sign for your property.

Carpets and White Goods

If you need assistance with carpets or white goods, we may be able to assist, please enquire with the Lettings Officer at sign up.


You will need to give your reason in writing, this will then be considered and reviewed in line with the shared lettings policy: Shared Lettings Policy

Available to Lets

These are properties that have been advertised before, but not let, so are advertised on a first come first served basis. When they are available, they will be advertised separately on the website, so you can see which ones you can choose from and also included in the main property list, where you will need to bid on them.


Haven Housing is Tai Tarian’s exclusive living for over 55s.The schemes offer a mixture of one and two bedroom apartments and include:

  • Brand new kitchens and wet rooms.
  • Lounge for socialising.
  • Lovely outdoor space.
  • Off road parking.
  • Lift to all floors.
  • Great locations.
  • A manager on hand who looks after the development.
  • Maintenance free living.
  • Secure Access.

  • We have 15 schemes across Neath Port Talbot:

    Michaelstone Court, Cwmafan

    Gwyn Court, Port Talbot

    Mozart Court, Sandfields

    Ty Llansawel, Briton Ferry

    Ty Gnoll Newydd, Neath

    Godrecoed, Cadoxton

    Llwynon, Crynant

    Cysgodfa, Tonna

    Maeshir, Glynneath

    Ty Maes Marchog, Banwen

    Maes Y Darren, Ystalyfera

    Hafan Brynheulog, Pontardawe

    Riverside Court, Pontardawe

    Pantyfedwen, Cwmgors

    Llys Nant Fer, Gwaun Cae Gurwen

My Pad

MyPad Properties is our premium property service operating throughout the Neath, Port Talbot and Swansea areas:

  • Our MyPad stock consists of one bedroom/two bedroom apartments, two bedroom homes and three bedroom family homes.
  • All properties benefit from a 24-hour repairs helpline, carpet/cushion flooring throughout and an electric cooker.
  • All MyPad properties are available with a long term Assured Shorthold Tenancy.
  • All applicants are subject to a satisfactory credit check and must be residing or working within the local area of the advertised property to be eligible. Pets will be considered for specific properties.

  • Please note that if your application is successful for a MyPad property; a bond of £500.00 and one month’s rental amount will be payable upon sign up for the property.

    All bonds are secured with the Tenancy deposit scheme. Applications are processed on a first come first serve basis for each property.

    For all generic MyPad queries please email or alternatively contact Rebecca Jackson on 07896092437.

Cancellations and Transfers

You can cancel your application on the online application form – however, please be mindful that if you cancel your application and change your mind you would need to start the process again.

This website tells you everything you need to know about how to join Tai Tarian, how to bid, what happens once you've placed your bid and how to improve your chances of a successful bid. Please make sure you have read all the frequently asked questions on this page. If you have read all the questions and you have a question which is not answered here, please refer to the shared lettings policy: Shared Lettings Policy or alternatively please contact us.

All tenants looking to move to another property with Tai Tarin will need to complete the application for housing. The application form will take about 30 – 45 minutes to complete. You will need to upload any documents or evidence in support of your application.

Following you submitting the application, if you are not considered to have a housing need it is unlikely you will be able to transfer to another property with Tai Tarian. This is in line with Neath Port Talbot Council and Tai Tarian’s Shared Lettings Policy. If you are considered to have a housing need, meaning you qualify to transfer properties, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • You must have occupied your current property for at least 12 months.
  • You must have a clear rent account and no debt owed to Tai Tarian (unless supported due to bedroom tax or Tai Tarian deem there to be exceptional circumstances).
  • Your current property must meet the interior and external standards acceptable to Tai Tarian.
  • You have registered on Homeswapper.
  • Any alleged anti-social behaviour or other tenancy breaches at investigative stage have been fully considered and satisfactorily resolved.

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